Bugg i SPSS för Mac Catalina
Ni minns kanske buggen som en Macintosh-användare (med Mac OS Catalina) upptäckt när hon skulle jobba med korstabell-syntax och att Paste-knappen saknades i dialogboxen "Öppna datafiler". Svaret från supporten kom via Crayon och det korta svaret är att uppgradera till version 27.0.1 . Men mer information hittar du längst ner i detta inlägg.
Ett annat sätt att kolla vilken SPSS version du har (fast du får inte sista siffran som hade behövts här) och dessutom få reda på vilka moduler du har installerat är att öppna ett tomt syntaxfönster:
We have investigated the behaviors and it seems that your Customer is working with SPSS instead of the newest release 27.0.1.
Below the APARs found for the behaviors described:
a) an SPSS user running Macintosh Catalina has noticed that the "Paste" button is missing when opening a data file and wants to paste the command (as syntax)
Here there is NOT a know issue with the same description. I could find the following APARs:
· PH31929: UNDO CUT AND PASTE CAN NOT GET DATA TO ORIGINAL STATUS at https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/apar/PH31929
· PH28511: COPY/PASTE MICROSOFT OFFICE GRAPHICS OBJECT TO EXCEL MOVES THE AXIS LABELS at https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/apar/PH28511
· PH29546: PASTE TOOL BUTTON DOES NOT PASTE at https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/apar/PH29546
b) The user's application was also shut down when she wrote a crosstabs syntax, which also sounds like a bug. However, other syntax worked to run.
This is related with the APAR PH29610 https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/apar/PH29610
You can solve this issue by upgrading to IBM SPSS Statistics 27.0.1
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